The Outcrop for 2005  99 | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10

Click on titles below to download the chapter in PDF format.

Front cover - Iron Isotopes and Life - 268k
Back cover - department group photo, fall 2005 - 240k 
Inside the front cover Outcrop contents and cover description - 80k
Inside the back cover faculty and staff list - 32k

The articles:

Chair's letter and donors' list (pages 1-3) 88k
Jean M. Bahr

Board of Visitors Report (pages 4-5) 148k
Thomas M. Johnson

The Building Dedication and Alumni Reunion (pages 6-7) 228k

Major Donors and Named Areas/Rooms (pages 8-9) 336k

Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2005 (page 10)
Richard B. Alley

Iron Isotopes and Life (pages 11-13) 384k
Brian Beard and Clark Johnson

Geological Engineering (page 14) 84k
Tuncer Edil

ExxonMobil class (page 15) 120k

Professional Honors (page 16) 60k

News from our Alumni, 1933-2005 (pages 17-24) 988k

In Memorium (pages 25-29) 240k

Archivist's Corner (pages 30-31) 128k
Robert M. Dott, Jr.

National Meetings (pages 32-33) 740k

The Library (page 34) 104k

New Grad Students / Degreees / Awards and Scholarships (pages 35-37) 184k

Grad Geoclub (page 38) 84k
Kathy Staffier

Dave Mickelson Retires / Leads Iceland trip (pages 39-40)136k

Faculty and Emeritus News for 2005 (pages 41-57) 524k
Introducing Eric Roden (pages 41-42)
Mary Anderson (page 43)
Jean Bahr (page 43-44)
Charlie Byers (page 44-45)
Alan Carroll (page 44)
Chuck DeMets (page 45)
Dana Geary (page 45-46)
John Fournelle (page 46)
Laurel Goodwin (pages 46-47)
Nita Sahai (page 47)
Toni Simo (page 48)
Brad Singer (pages 48-49)
Cliff Thurber (page 49)
Basil Tikoff (pages 49-50)
John Valley (pages 50-51)
Herb Wang (pages 51-52)
Huifang Xu (page 52)

Emeritus Faculty News for 2005:
Charlie Bentley (page 53)
Carl Bowser (page 53)
Dave Clark (page 54)
C.S. Clay (page 54)
Cam Craddock (page 54)
Robert H. Dott, Jr. (page 55)
Lou Maher (pages 55-56)
Gordon Medaris (page 52)
Dave Mickelson (pages 56-57)
Lloyd Pray (page 57)
Klaus Westphal(page 57)

Weeks Lectures, Speakers (page 58) 40k

Geology Museum Annual Report (page 59-62) 1.3MB
Rich Slaughter

Mail-in forms (pages 63-64) 208k:
Order a Rock Concert CD
Order a Courtyard Brick
How to order Roadside Geology of Wisconsin
Give a gift to the Department in 2006
Order a Geoclub T-shirt (New Design!)

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