(Photo © Gigi Cohen)

Dr. Stephen R. Meyers (he/him)
Vilas Distinguished Professor

Department of Geoscience

Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2003

Research Interests:
Paleoclimatology & Paleoceanography, Quantitative Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Geochemistry, Statistics & Data Analysis

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tadada Scientific Lab: For information about the tadada Scientific Lab project, please go HERE.

Courses taught at UW-Madison:

GEOSCI 100: General Geology (3 credit hours)
An introduction to how the Earth works, from the inner core to the climate system. Topics to be covered include: the Earth's heat engine, volcanoes, mountain formation, earthquakes, plate tectonics, and climate change. Next offered Spring 2022.

GEOSCI 430: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3 credit hours)
Comprehensive survey of the processes and products of sedimentation, including depositional environments, sedimentary tectonics, sequence stratigraphic principles, and analytical methods.

GEOSCI 431: Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Lab (1 credit hour)
Field- and specimen-based laboratory course in Sedimentology & Stratigraphy; emphasizes qualitative and quantitative description and interpretation of sediments and sedimentary deposits.

GEOSCI 732: Geochemistry of Sediments (3 credit hours)
An introduction to the chemistry of sediments (chemical sedimentology). The objective of this course is to develop a thorough understanding the processes that control the chemistry of marine and lacustrine sediments, with a special emphasis on the theoretical basis for commonly used paleoenvironmental proxies. Topics to be covered include: controls on the composition of seawater; sedimentary diagenesis near the sediment-water interface; the description and classification of marine and lacustrine sediments; lithogenous, biogenous, hydrogenous, volcanogenic and cosmogenic sedimentary components; patterns of sediment distribution in the world’s oceans; the measurement of time in the paleoclimate archive; a survey of common isotopic, organic, and elemental (trace, minor, major) proxies for paleoenvironmental change. Next offered Fall 2021.

GEOSCI 875: Advanced Topics in Geology, Chronostratigraphy (2 credit hours)
Co-taught with Dr. Bradley Singer.

GEOSCI 875: Advanced Topics in Geology: Rhythms in Global Climate (3 credit hours)
An overview of the mechanisms of cyclic climate change, and a review of the geologic evidence for these climate rhythms. We will investigate the theoretical basis for cyclic climate changes on a wide range of timescales (millions of years to decades), with a particular emphasis on the Milankovitch orbital cycles. Some specific topics to be covered include: • Regional and global climate responses to orbital-insolation change. • Millennial-scale paleoclimate variability and abrupt climate change during the Pleistocene and Holocene. • Stochastic versus deterministic forcing of climate and sedimentation. • Astrochronology and the geologic time scale. • An introduction to quantitative methods for assessment of cyclic climate change. Next offered Fall 2022.

GEOSCI 875: Advanced Topics in Geology, Sed Points of Light (1 credit hour)
Next offered Fall 2021.

Courses taught at UNC-Chapel Hill (January 2006-May 2009):

GEOL 101: Introductory Physical Geology

GEOL 202: Earth Systems History

GEOL 507: Rhythms in Global Climate and the Stratigraphic Record

GEOL 513 (a.k.a. GEOL 512): Sedimentary Geochemistry (and the Paleoclimate Archive)

Teaching and administration for summer schools and short courses:

IsoAstro Geochronology Workshop: The Integration and Intercalibration of Radioisotopic and Astronomical Time Scales. Creator, co-director and lecturer (2014, 2016, 2019).

Urbino Summer School in Paleoclimatology. Co-director (2017-2019) and lecturer (2014-2018).

A Short Course on the Construction of High-precision Astronomically-calibrated Time Scales. Lecturer for the International Geoscience Programme Project 591 - Closing Meeting (2016).

The Construction of High-precision Astronomically-calibrated Time Scales: A Short Course and Workshop with Applications in R. Creator and lecturer (Victoria Univ. of Wellington, NZ, 2015; Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, 2016)

European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) Summer School: "Deep-Sea Sediments: From Stratigraphy to Age Models”. Lecturer (2013).

Page last updated May 25, 2021

Unless otherwise noted, all content © S. Meyers