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Death Notices

Emeritus Professor Eugene N. Cameron died on April 21, 1999 in Madison. Please see Phil Brown's memorial article.

Robert M. Crump, a UW geology alum from 1937, died on January 25, 2000. He received an MA in 1939 and PhD in 1948.

Sheldon Judson, 80, professor and author in geo-archeology, faculty at UW, Department of Geology and Geophysics, 1948-1955, submitted by Nick Ravo.

Sheldon Judson, an archeologist and a retired professor of geosciences at Princeton University, died in his home in Princeton, New Jersey. He was 80. The cause was pancreatic cancer, according to a statement released by the university.

Dr. Judson was born on October 18, 1918, in Utica, New York. He earned a bachelor's degree from Princeton in 1940 and master's and doctoral degrees from Harvard University. After teaching for several years at the University of Wisconsin, he joined the Princeton faculty in 1955.

Dr. Judson was the author of numerous geo-archeological reports, including several studies of paleo-Indian sites in North America and studies of late Paleolithic rock shelters in France. He also worked extensively in Etruscan, Roman and Greek sites in Italy.

From 1970 to 1982, Dr. Judson was the chairman of the Department of Geosciences at Princeton. From 1972 to 1977, he served as chairman of the University Research Board with the rank of dean. In 1964, he was appointed the Knox Taylor professor of geology. He also held faculty fellowships from the Ford, Guggenheim and Fulbright Foundations.

Dr. Judson wrote or co-wrote textbooks and workbooks used in introductory geology classes. His best- known book is perhaps Physical Geology (Prentice Hall, 1954) written with L. Don Leet and, in revised editions, with Marvin E. Kauffman. His most recent book was Earth: An Introduction to Geologic Change (Prentice Hall, 1955) written with S.M. Richardson.

Paul M. Junemann, BS 1949, MS 1951, died August, 1998.

Carl Johansson, (he preferred Folke), BS 1956, MS 1959, PhD 1960, died November, 1998.

Elizabeth (Nystrom) Mair, BA 1919, died November 16, 1999, at the age of 102.

Clarence Frederick Schiesser, BA 1940, MS 1948,deceased.

William T. Swensen, BS 1940 Min. Engr., deceased.

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