to the tune of "Yesterday" (The Beatles)


 lyrics by The Brave Few (Mike Coe, Samantha Langley-Turnbaugh,

   Robin Schmidt, Tim Schroeder, John Sorenson, Jane Sweetman)

                U.W. Glacial Geology Class - 1993



                   At 18k...

                   The glacial margin wasn't far away

                   It looked like permafrost was here to stay

                   Oh it was cold at 18k.



                   You formed drumlins, kames, and end moraines

                   Eskers, terraces, and outwash plains

                   Oh, where'd you go, oh Laurentide?




                        But you had to go.

                        Climate warming told you so.

                        Your stay was not long

                        the environment was wrong.


                   Basal till...

                   Valders, Two Creeks, and Ozaukee too

                   We aren't sure how to interpret you.

                   I wish my boots would come unglued.


                   Deforming Beds...

                   Do we really have what Peter says?

                   Or did the ice slide on its bed?

                   The evidence is puzzling.



                   Repeat Chorus: