to the tune of "Green Acres" - remember the T.V. show?

                U.W. Glacial Geology Class (1987)



                  GROUP 1  (Glacial Groupies)


                  The Green Bay Lobe is the place to be

                  Drumlinized features are the form for me...

                  Till spreadin' out so far and wide

                  Take that esker, don't give me no slicken sides...



                  GROUP 2  (Fringe Characters)


                  The Driftless area is where I'd rather stay!...

                  Baraboo Quartzite is the rock for today...

                  Hard rock is what I'd rather do

                  I hate that unconsolidated goo....



                  GROUP 1


                  Two Rivers is were I'd like to be...

                  Hard rock is just too dull for me...

                  Humm-ocky topography so far and wide! - David

                  We like you, but where is that basal slide?



                  GROUP 1  (shouts) "The Tills!"


                  GROUP 2  (reply) "Rock Hills!"


                  GROUP 3  (shouts) "Steep Terrain!"


                  GROUP 1  (retort) "End Moraines!"




                  GROUP 1  "Till is all-right"


                  GROUP 2  "Goodbye Dolomite"



                  ALL:  Glacial Landscapes


                            We are there!